
In the Palm of My Hand - Scene & Story April 2017

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What are you thinking with that serious little face as you look at the photographer?
Can't you see that it's your daddy holding a black box?
He's sure to be making silly faces to make you smile!
But you look back gravely, wondering what all the fuss is about!

Ah! Little girl, if I could be your Fairy Godmother 
and bestow upon you only love and laughter in your life,
I would do so.

There are so many years ahead, so many things to learn.
That is what it's all about really. Learning.

Life is unexpected and it meanders where it will and we follow as best we can.
There will be laughter, there will be love and that is what keeps us going
when the times are tough.
You believe me, don't you?
You see, I know these things for I have lived them.
My years have often been filled with laughter and I have loved and been loved.
There have been tears, but the joy for life has always returned.
This is the resilience we learn through our life experiences.

I look at you with emotion and tenderness, holding you protectively.
Accepting, for the most part, what has been
 and doing my best to live each new moment
with an open mind.
No one knows what lies ahead, ever.
But we continue our journey - taking just one day at a time.

I hold you in my heart, little child, looking at me in the palm of my hand.
Don't be afraid, it will all turn out just as it should.

Here we are, little you and grown-up me. 
One and the same for all eternity.

Baby photo taken by my dad and mounted on a cut-out piece of aluminium.
I was told that this photo was always on his desk when I was little.


Joining the monthly Scene and Story link-up
with  Lee at Sea Blue Lens
and Sarah at
