
The Open Window - Scene & Story - July 2017

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When I see this open window in the old stone house,
it reminds me of the importance of remaining open.
To open myself to new ideas,
to see things from another point of view
and to let the fresh air into my way of being and thinking.

we need to reflect on how our life journey is unfolding.
Going out walking always helps me see things more objectively.

Every morning when I get up and a new day greets me,
I open the windows in my home
to feel the peace of the early morning and go on my balcony
to look up at the sky.
In the warm season,
I say good morning to all my flowers.

I say to myself
that whatever this day brings,
I will do my best to accept the events as they come to me,
not fighting the unexpectedness of how life happens,
but looking at things with new eyes 
and adapting to how they actually are
and not how I had imagined them to be.

An open window allows me to connect to life around me
and to live each new day with open-heartedness and acceptance.


Joining Sarah at Paisley Rainboots and Lee at Sea Blue Lens
for the monthly Scene and Story.
