
September Delights

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Nature reminds us that the autumn equinox is fast approaching.
The berries are ripening and the leaves are changing.

We are getting more rain after a very hot and dry summer,
but everything looks so fresh and colourful, thanks to the changing of the season.

Fallen leaves are starting to appear everywhere

Seedpods are forming on the flowers, like on this cone flower.

Lichen and fungus are growing on tree trunks

showing us their own kind of beauty

Raindrops glisten

A recent walk down by the lake shows the late blooming flowers

A tiny aster blooms on my balcony

The last dahlia buds have opened in the last few days of brilliant sunshine

and an autumn rose blooms in a neighbouring garden.

But the plums are ripe and perfect for making tarts,
like this traditional one I made yesterday, for the Jeûne Fédéral holiday,
which is always on the third Monday of September
in the canton of Vaud where I live.

The collage shows the different stages of the tart making.
The plums are dark purple in colour. They need a little sweetening
with Sucanat, a natural brown cane sugar.
I make my own shortcrust pastry from a recipe by Julia Child.

I hope that you are also taking pleasure in the joys of the season!
