
Heartfelt Wishes

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There are personal wishes
and universal wishes.

I sat down the other day to see if what I really desired at this time of the year
was anything to do with the usual stressful ambiance of the Christmas season
which seems to be happening  around me, but not within me.
Oh yes,
I love creating decorations with crochet and hook
a few bells 
a candle or two
and beautiful music,
but more than any material gift
I desire the presence of peace and harmony.

On a universal level, like most people, I would like world peace
that no one should suffer from hunger 
and that we would all take responsibility for climate change.

One of the things that we can all do
is to focus on abundance instead of lack
for it leads us to the path of contentment.

What are the most important things for you during this month of December?
Have you tried making a list of your most heartfelt wishes?
