Tiny angel decorating a heart-shaped jewellery container
a gift from my grandson.
Inspiration is not something that can be forced.
Sometimes it comes through something we may see.
It grows and unfolds within us in moments we do not choose at all.
We look and look and cannot see..
and yet the treasures lie within
waiting to manifest themselves.
Inspiration can be as elusive as a shadow on the wall.
Fascinating and yet fleeting.
Being in nature is certainly inspiring
as we observe the beauty all around us in the tiniest detail
like this lovely lichen on a tree trunk.
Flowers inspire me to take photographs and stimulate my creativity
Their fresh bright colours are especially welcome during the winter months.
Pansy rescued from my window-box just as it was starting to snow.
It could be said that inspiration is rather like the growth of a flower,
starting from a tiny seed in the earth
which grows and is nurtured and blossoms
and cannot be contained
It simply has to come into being.
The ancient Greeks thought that inspiration came from the Muses.
The Muses are the inspirational goddesses of Literature, Science and the arts
in Greek Mythology.
They were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry,
lyric songs and myths that were related orally for centuries in these ancient times.