
Five Things I Love about April

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1. The meeting of the seasons:

I love how lingering winter and spring mingle together to create their contrasting beauty.
The last snowfalls and flowering magnolia are a lovely example here.

2. The lakeside

 Dreamy walks along the lake at times of the day when there are as few people as possible!
Don't you love this amazing metal sculpture of a wave of little fish?

Here is a close-up.

3. Nature waking up

The spring flowers which start to bloom just everywhere. I love them all,
but there's nothing like daffodils to represent spring awakening!

Deep pink Hellebore
sometimes known as 'Lenten Rose' or 'Winter Rose'

Grapes of tiny flower buds which hang so gracefully on the branches.

4. Getting out into nature

From where I live above the centre of the town, I can easily get public transport
by bus and metro, up to the fields and the woods to enjoy the wide expanses,
the green fields and wooded areas
with just the sound of birdsong and the breeze rustling in the trees.

5. The longer days

When I can enjoy early morning walks before breakfast 
when all is still quiet and then again in the evenings after supper to hear the blackbird singing
in the trees in my neighbourhood.

There are many other things to appreciate during the month of April
and I'm sure you have your favourites too!
