She looked out through the confines of where she was hiding.
She knew the world was waiting for her to make the effort, to take the first step.
There were other human beings out there, living life.
Was she living hers?
She wasn't sure anymore.
She sometimes felt like a little mouse in a cage,
going round in circles, but not exactly getting anywhere.
How had that happened?
Was she doing anything to change that?
She tried looking at things from another point of view.
She felt an inner smile bubbling up from deep within her
and she felt her confidence grow.
"What strange creatures we are", she said, almost out loud.
"We allow ourselves to be influenced by mere thoughts that we have created."
She felt her face becoming relaxed and her breath came slower and calmer.
She could feel the sparkle coming back into her eyes!
There was even a feeling of lightness about her again.
She smiled and knew exactly what she had to do
and felt a tingling of excitement at the sheer thought of it...
This is a fictional story.
I did my first self-portrait course five years' ago when I turned a big birthday.
It was quite a challenge, but I so enjoyed the story-telling
and the role-playing we did.
That course was called "Now You".
This year, I decided to do another self-portrait class, to celebrate another birthday!
They do seem to come round rather quickly, don't they!
This time it's with Vivienne McMaster.
She's so encouraging and full of fun.
You can see her website here
Today is Sunday
and it's a perfect day for relaxing in the sunshine.
First of all, I just need to show you this gorgeous blossom in my neighbourhood!
First of all, I just need to show you this gorgeous blossom in my neighbourhood!
After an early morning walk,
I had breakfast on my balcony and then read for a while
enjoying the spring flowers in my window boxes and pots.
Campanula or Bell flowers, just beginning to bloom.
Campanula or Bell flowers, just beginning to bloom.
I came across this advertisement for a film I would like to see.
I read the book, which was really good, sometime ago.
I've been having fun with double exposures, so here is one with my grandson!
He gave me permission to use this photo of us both.
See you all soon!