I thought I would enjoy doing a daily photo journal here during the month of July.
I know that some people like to follow photo prompts.
They can be helpful,
but I prefer to have the freedom of creating my own as I go along!
I would love you to accompany me on this summer's journey
and I will enjoy following you on yours!
Although the summer season has already started,
July and August really feel the most representative of summer to me!
There is the mounting heat
The buzzing of the bees
A quieter city with people going on holiday
Very early morning walks before the heat builds up
Straw hats
Good books and taking the time to read them
Cold and refreshing herb drinks
This morning got me out of bed before 5 am!
I opened all the windows of my home to freshen the air and cool my apartment down.
Then a lovely morning walk between 6 and 7 am.
Back for breakfast on my balcony
and now a new book to read outside.
All this spells SUMMER to me!