
Happy New Year 2017!

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On this first day of the New Year
I wish you Beauty

Confidence in what lies ahead
even when it's still shrouded in mystery

May there always be a light shining in the darkness, 
however small.

the sun also sets on the most difficult of days.

and a new day dawns at the break of day
which brings us all a new beginning.

Discover new paths
even when they go uphill
those are the most rewarding!

Delight in the sparkles that come our way

and take the time to linger as glorious colours and patterns
enter into our line of vision.

Let the light come into our homes and into our hearts

Remaining supple when the wind suddenly changes direction
Unexpected happenings in life allow us to really see the essential
and invite us to change our priorities and adapt.
We learn resilience.

But most of all,
just love life and it loves you right back!


Not only is a new year a total mystery, but it is also full of new energy
waiting to carry us forward to new adventures.
Let's live them!

Wishing you all a New Year full of peace in your hearts
and the capacity to rejoice in all the little and wonderful instances
that are given along the way.
