
A Life Well Remembered: A Story

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When I was twelve and my brother six, my mother left to make a new life for herself,
without us.
My father became a single parent.
Every day of my adult life, I am thankful that my brother and I were brought up by my dad.
It wasn't always easy, especially during our teen years,
but dad did his best to be the best dad he could be.

I consider myself lucky as I have inherited my dad's positive and upbeat attitude,
his love and enthusiasm for life and his caring nature.
Dad was full of fun and was always there for me when I needed him.
When I became a mother to three lovely children, 
I realized the true value of my dad's upbringing.

There isn't a day goes by when I don't think of the father I was given,
how lucky I was and how I shall always be truly thankful.
I'll never forget all he did for me 
and I'll never forget that smile of his
and his wonderful twinkling blue eyes.

Two photos of Dad, a book of poems he gave to me,
his Parker fountain pen, which I still use,
and a handkerchief with his initial, J for John, which he once left when he came to stay
and which I laundered and kept in memory of him.
His writing in a birthday card he sent to me.


Joining Sarah at Paisley Rain Boots and Lee at Sea Blue Lens
for Scene & Story
